They play juvenile games.
It’s all about them.
They leave in their wake
Nauseous waves of mayhem.
They hijack your life,
Think that everything’s free.
Are oblivious to the anguish
They cause you and me.
Behind lies and laughter
They hide their distress,
Causing havoc and then
We must clean up their mess.
And vacancy lights shine
So bright in their eyes
They can’t see for looking --
Everything’s a surprise!
They’ll steal your money
Make promises bold,
Then break every one
Leaving you in the cold.
And they won’t understand
What it is they did wrong.
They’ll just shoot you a wink
And that ol’ dance and song.
Cos nothing’s their fault.
Perfect victims are they
Blaming everyone else
For what grief comes their way.
So, beware of the
Oblivious idiot you see.
Run from them, don't walk,
If you want to be free.
Copyright Aimwell Enterprises 2010
It seems I've had a rash of dealings lately with people who just don't have a clue how their actions, and non-actions, take a toll on the lives of people around them. Yesterday I'd had enough and this poetic rant surfaced.
There ... got that out of my system.